Home About us Uganda Ethiopia

    Valleys of Hope

  Registered Charity no:  1116195                                                                                                                              December 2024

Useful Links:

Shelter  www.shelter.org.uk

Crisis   www.crisis.org.uk

Prison Fellowship  www.prisonfellowship.org.uk

Clinks  www.clinks.org

Supporting voluntary organisations that work with offenders and their families.

PACT  www.prisonadvice.org.uk

National charity supporting people affected by imprisonment.  

Caring for ex offenders  www.caringforexoffenders.org

Caring for ex offenders’ vision is to reduce re offending by reintegrating ex offenders into society.

International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition  www.isaac-international.org

An international network of Christians responding to the escalating problem of substance misuse and addiction.

Christian Enquiry Agency  www.christianity.org.uk

If you want to know more about the Christian faith, a Gospel to read, answer to a question, details of a nearby church, an email conversation then contact Christian Enquiry Agency through their website.

Foodbank  www.trusselltrust.org

Giving three days nutritious food to those in severe need.  

Care for the Family  www.careforthefamily.org.uk

Resources include a booklet entitled ‘Daddy’s Working Away’, an easy to read, practical book written by prisoners and their families.

Clean Sheet  www.cleansheet.org.uk

Clean sheet equips the local church to support and help those in prison, about to leave, and on the path to employment.

Green Pastures www.greenpastures.net

Green Pastures purchases houses and supports churches and Christian organisations in supporting people in these homes.